Major releases of ViennaTalk (lastest top)
- Codename Waikiki has been released. (Jan 7, 2025)
- EpiLog/HiDeHo for exploration support
- Dynamic and contextual extraction of a series of versions
- Refactoring browser as the default editor for VDM-SL
- Unit tests and traces are run integrated in the test runner on the Refactoring browser.
- The execution contexts of failed tests are saved and directly debuggable
- Adopted the new Pharo debugger architecture in Pharo 12
- EpiLog/HiDeHo for exploration support
- Codename Lyon has been released. (Apr 30, 2024)
- Specification slicing for VDM-SL
- New UI design for Refactoring Browser
- Playground with state variables table
- EpiLog to journal and version specification changes and evaluations
- Transpiler can be used as an alternative interpreter.
- Support traces definitions
- Migration to Pharo 12
- Codename Firenze has been released. (May 19, 2023)
- migration to Pharo 11
- Codename Graz has been released. (May 5, 2022)
- migration to Pharo 10
- IM supports by default
- FRAM collaboration support
- Import operations from FRAM functions
- Export operations to FRAM functions and aspects
- Codename Boulder has been released. (Dec 31, 2021)
- Refactoring browser based on AST manipulations is now experimentally available.
- Base Pharo is upgraded to Pharo 9.
- Codename Hakodate has been released. (Sep 4, 2020)
- ViennaVisuals: a DOM library to generate XML document and bind UI events on DOM elements to handler operations
- Codename Porto has been released. (Feb 5, 2020)
- Base Pharo is upgraded to Pharo 8.0.
- Better UI for Unit Testing on VDMBrowser.
- Codename Cologne has been released. (Aug 8, 2019)
- Base Pharo is upgraded to Pharo 7.0.4.
- JavaScript library to use ViennaServer or VDMPad to evaluate VDM-SL.
- ViennaDoc is a documentation tool to create an animatable and testable documentation.
- Codename Lille has been released. (January 23, 2019)
- Base Pharo is upgraded to Pharo 7.0.
- ViennaTalk uses 64bits Virtual Machine by default (except Windows). Great thanks to the OSSubprocess team for the big improvements.
- VDMJ bridge now works on Windows platforms using ProcessWrapper(in 32bits only).
- Tested by CI servers by every commit. Travis is used for macOS and Linux builds and AppVeyor is used for Windows (32bits only for now).
- Codename Oxford has been released. (July 1, 2018)
- Source repository is migrated from smalltalkhub. Great thanks to Peter Uhnak for the migration tools.
- Base Pharo is upgraded to Pharo 6.1.
- ViennaTalk uses 64bits Virtual Machine by default.
- VDMJ bridge now works on 64bits VM
- Codename Harajuku has been released. (Jan 18, 2018)
- VDM Directory Browser is a VDM browser for file-based management. The browser loads all .vdmsl files and writes into files when a spec is accepted on the specification pane.
- ViennaUnit is a testing framework for VDM Browser. It runs all operations with the ‘test’ prefix in all modules with the ‘Test’ postfix.
- Urgent update for Maribor has been released. (Aug 30, 2017)
- The base Pharo version is back to 5.0 due to unstability of Pharo 6.1 (32bit)
You can still manually configure ViennaTalk “Maribor” on Pharo 6.1 (64bit) with a limitation that use of VDMJ is limited only via remote site (default This limitation is from the OSSubprocess package that ViennaTalk uses to execute VDMJ process.
- Codename Maribor has been released. (Aug 28, 2017)
- VDMDebugger integrated with Pharo’s moldable debugger
- migrated to Pharo 6.1 (32bit)
You can debug an auto-generated Smalltalk code with its source VDM specification on Smalltalk debugger, and step-execute by granularity of the source VDM specification.
- Codename Ito has been released. (Feb 12, 2017)
- Implicit/extended explicit functions/operations are supported by the pretty printer and code generators.
- Exception statements (exit, always, trap and tixe statements) are supported by the pretty printer and code generators.
- Codename Cyprus has been updated. (Dec 20, 2016)
- A bug in formatter is fixed.
- A bug in Lively Walk-Through loader is fixed.
- A bug in Livetalk compiler is fixed.
- Code generators produce init methods that assign state variables atomically.
- Codename Cyprus has been released. (Nov 16, 2016)
- Dropping a .vdmsl file will open a VDMBrowser.
- Dropping a .lwt file will open a Lively Walk-Through window.
- VDMC is renamed to ViennaAnimation
- ViennaAnimation-Transpiler, which uses the code generator as an execution engine, is added.
- Settings has Code Generator section to turn on/off runtime type checking and runtime assertion checking.
- “use transpiler” and “use interpreter” is added to the VDMBrowser’s module menu.
- In Lively Walk-Through, the “use transpiler” option is added to the settings tab.